The Best Is Still To Come

The Best Is Still To Come

I know there’s a voice in your head that says- "Why isn’t this working?"

You eat well and exercise regularly, but nothing seems to come together and give the result you desire. You know that your body is capable of so much more and you’re ready to look like a bikini competitor without the pressure of hitting the stage.

It’s frustrating

  • That life has taken over and you have lost your fit body habits.

  • ​You avoid looking in mirrors as it triggers a full body scan of flaws that lower your confidence.

  • ​You try to do what used to work, but it doesn’t anymore because age has caused new challenges.

. . . but I'm here to tell you that you can turn it all around.

IT'S Time For Change

You’ve gone solo for too long now. 

Relying on the ‘Workout of the Day’ video from the influencer you’ve come across on Instagram just isn’t going to cut it. 

Neither will the ‘winging-it’ approach you’ve been taking for the last few years.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the ‘10 Minute Healthy Recipes’ you saved on your phone months ago but have yet to try out.

You need someone that understands your body.

Because let’s face it, as women, our hormones fluctuate not only monthly, but yearly too! So guess what - the nutrition and workouts that might've worked when you were 23 are probably in need of an update. 

An update that nourishes, fuels your body, and helps you sculpt the body YOU want.


Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

I got certified as a personal trainer while attending college at the University of Miami. After graduating, I was burnt out from academics and needed an athletic outlet. So I decided to compete, and to my surprise I won my first show and qualified for Nationals! From there I was hooked and it became apparent that I had a gift for this.

I got married soon after and ran a very successful personal training business in Miami, working with celebrities such as Timbaland, and many professional athletes and their wives. My first daughter was born a few years later, but divorce caused me to move back home to MA to be with family when she was 3 years old. I found myself having to create a whole new business from the ground up, where nobody knew who I was.

Things got rough for me after that. And after suffering from a decade long abusive and toxic relationship, I vowed to myself that I would change my life by my 40th birthday. I feared the abuse would ultimately lead to my death and leave my 3 children without a mom. So I cut everything toxic out of my life, and aggressively pursued what makes ME happy. I poured all my doubt and fear into prep for natural bodybuilding competition, as I had always wanted to be a pro!

One week after turning 40, I stepped on stage and won my pro card! It had been 14 years since I was last on stage.

Then the following week I won my second pro card, and the next day I did my pro debut and won 2nd place in both classes. Then 2 weeks later I competed on the biggest stage in natural bodybuilding - the WNBF World Championships in LA, and placed 4th in Pro Fitbody amongst the best natural athletes in the entire world!

Fast forward to 2022 - after giving birth to my 4th baby in 2021 and focusing on coaching the team and building my business, I decided that it was time for me to take the stage again. I lost 80 lbs, and this time around I became the WNBF Pro Fitbody WORLD CHAMPION!

As much as I love being on stage and being a mom, I love helping women just like you feel and look their best and gain the confidence to go after what lights you up in life!

You don't need to settle for less. Dream big and go for it!



Build and sculpt the body of your dreams in just 2 phases.
strong phase

After onboarding, understanding your goals and current lifestyle, we develop a plan to build long-term, sustainable results, naturally. 

We ditch the fad diets that deplete you of vital nutrients and develop a custom nutrition plan that supports your structured workout routine. This phase is all about developing new habits, building muscle, and getting strong.

SCULPT phase

Now that you have given your body the reset it needs, and are starting to experience muscle growth, it’s time to work on sculpting your dream figure.

In this phase we tweak the nutrition and training to reveal the progress you made in the Strong Phase. Expect to see lean, sexy curves and experience a whole new level of confidence.

strong phase

After onboarding, understanding your goals and current lifestyle, we develop a plan to build long-term, sustainable results, naturally. 

We ditch the fad diets that deplete you of vital nutrients and develop a custom nutrition plan that supports your structured workout routine. This phase is all about developing new habits, building muscle and getting strong.

SCULPT phase

Now that you have given your body the reset it needs, and are starting to experience muscle growth, it’s time to work on sculpting your dream figure.

In this phase we tweak the nutrition and training to reveal your progress in the strong phase. Expect to lean sexy curves and experience a new level of confidence.

Along with a roadmap to success, you’re also getting:

Exclusive app access

The exclusive app acts as a personal trainer in your pocket. You get access to your custom designed workout program (with instructional videos on how to perform each exercise), your nutrition plan (with delicious meals that are customized to your goals), and 24/7 messaging feature for access to your designated coach (for when you have a question or just need some motivation).

Strong & Sculpted training program

Strong & Sculpted training program

This is an exclusive program, accessed via my custom app, that will guide you in creating the body you’ve dreamed of! No more scrolling through social media trying to find your next workout and wondering if it’ll be effective, and no more guess-work at the gym. There are also video demonstrations of all exercises so you know you are performing them correctly, and therefore will get the most out of your time spent in the gym.

BioFEEDBACK assessment

As women our hormones might sometimes feel like a nightmare, but the good news is that we can use the data to help optimize results. This is why we do a sleep, stress, and cycle biofeedback assessment. We can then identify imbalances and fix the issues that are preventing you from reaching your goals, right at the root cause.

Focused Five Meal Plan

Focused Five Meal Plan

A scientifically calculated nutrition plan that will nourish the muscle for optimized growth and definition. As well as create an optimal environment for body fat to be released once and for all.

Weekly accountability check-ins

Weekly accountability check-ins

This isn’t going to be a walk-in-the-park type of program, by any means. It’s going to get tough at times, but you’re never going to feel alone and helpless. Myself and my coaching team will be here every step of the way, supporting and guiding you to make sure you stay on track.

Weekly body analysis check-ins

Weekly body analysis check-ins

The key to continued progress is tracking. If you’re moving closer to your goal- we continue with what we’re doing. If you've hit a plateau- then we adjust. Pretty simple really, at least for our experienced coaching team. For others it can be the one thing that trumps your progress. Knowing when to adjust your program and just how much to do so takes a very experienced eye. No wonder it has been so hard to do on your own all this time!

Community Support

Community Support

You will not be alone on this journey. You will have exclusive access to the LLYC community of like minded women on the same journey. Studies show that you are likely to lose 50-60% more weight when you have accountability and support in place throughout your journey.

This Isn’t A Program For Everyone

Getting serious results, means putting in serious effort. 

This is not a one foot in the door kind of program. 

No hand-holding. 

No BS.

  • This is for you if you’re fed up with the guesswork.
  • This is for you if you’re done being overwhelmed with the lack of progress from your hard work.

  • This is for you if you want to feel confident in that bikini or figure hugging dress.

  • This is for you if you’re ready to become an empowered woman.

Sound good to you?

The biggest requirement is that you are willing to be coachable and step outside of your comfort zone.

“In order to get a result you’ve never had, you must be open & willing to do things you’ve never done!”

Join Look Like You Compete Today

  • Exclusive app access

  • Strong & sculpted training program

  • Bikini body nutrition

  • Biofeedback assessment

  • Weekly accountability check-ins

  • Weekly body analysis check-in

  • Community support (priceless)

The Stories of The Women of Team Rize

Cynthia "I won my Pro card at age 56!"

Show day with Team Rize is unmatched.

Cynthia "I won my Pro card at age 56!"

Show day with Team Rize is unmatched.

The Best Version Of You Is Ready To Be Unleashed

You’ve been winging this for too long. 

How much longer are you going to allow yourself to settle for the way things are, when you know you’re made for more? 

How much longer are you going to settle for less than you know you're capable of?

You Have Two Options

You click off this page, and nothing changes. You go back to scavenging social media for an answer to why the weight won’t shake off. You carry on saving endless workout videos that are going to live in your ‘saved’ folder for eternity. You don’t put an end to the frustration of doing all the work but not seeing any results.

You get a roadmap to success, custom made for you. You understand the biological state of your body, and get an action plan to get you to your goals. You get a workout plan that’s put together to sculpt the right muscles and melt away the fat. You get a meal plan with foods you love, and nutrition will no longer be a burden from the moment you wake up.

You click off this page, and nothing changes. You go back to scavenging social media for an answer to why the weight won’t shake off. You carry on saving endless workout videos that are going to live in your ‘saved’ folder for eternity. You don’t put an end to the frustration of doing all the work but not seeing any results.

You get a roadmap to success, custom made for you. You understand the biological state of your body, and get an action plan to get you to your goals. You get a workout plan that’s put together to sculpt the right muscles and melt away the fat. You get a meal plan with foods you love, and nutrition will no longer be a burden from the moment you wake up.


How long is the program?

This is a 90 day commitment to start your transformation into looking like you compete

Is this a cookie cutter program?

HECK NO!!! Could I create a cookie cutter program...? Sure, I could totally do that. But there is no way I would. We believe that every woman's body is different and unique, and therefore needs specialized attention in order to achieve optimal results. Which is why when you become a Look Like You Compete member you will go through our New Client Intake Process. It consists of a detailed medical history, behavioral analysis, and get-to-know-you form, as well as a 1-1 Strategy Call via Zoom. This gives Coach Cara all the details and inside information that she needs in order to create a customized nutrition and workout plan that will be tailored to you and your goals.

Do I need a gym membership?

Yes. My program requires a variety of weight lifting equipment. The results we want aren’t going to be achieved in your living room using a chair, some bands, and body weight exercises alone. 

However, if you do have a home gym set up that includes a barbell, plates, dumbbells, and a cable machine that can work! Please make sure to mention that in your intake form upon signing up.

Who creates my program?

Coach Cara creates every single program, for every member - regardless of who your assigned check-in coach is. There are no templates or software used to spit out a generic program. Each individual person's unique background, medical history, and goals are thoughtfully considered in the creation and design of every program. Hence why we ask you to allow 3 business days for your full program to be completed and loaded into our LLYC app.

What happens after the 90 days?

Before your 90 days are completed, your coach will do a full end of program assessment and schedule a 1-1 Zoom meeting with you. This assessment will be presented and discussed during the meeting, which will allow you to celebrate all the progress you made since the start of your journey. At this time you will also be given options to continue your progress in the program, and discuss a plan for your next 90 days should you decide to continue with us.

Do you guarantee results?

I do not guarantee results. Here's why...

I CAN guarantee the work that myself and my coaching team will do for you, and that you will be fully supported on your journey, and have the tools you need to achieve your goals. However, I CANNOT guarantee that you will do the work that is needed in order to achieve the results. That is 100% up to YOU. I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make it drink.

What's the investment?

Program pricing is available on the checkout page.

How do I know if I am ready to join your program? I AM BUSY!!

As a mother of 5, coach to many successful high achieving women, business owner, and professional athlete - I can totally understand your concern.

But here's the truth, and I'll be blunt because that's who I am and I like to attract clients who are FOR REAL about change.

At the end of the day, getting healthy and fit becoming more confident than ever is either going to be a PRIORITY or NOT.

It's that simple.

Do you want to feel like a baddass, look the best you've ever looked, and be a good role model to your kids in your 30's, 40's, and beyond?


Do you want to keep doing what your doing, stay stuck in mediocracy, and not see the results you know you can achieve?

YOU have to make that choice and then OWN IT.

I'm in my 40's, and sometimes life can be chaotic (I mean with a ton of kids how can it not be!), but I'm living my best life.

Because I made the choice to make it that way.

Same thing for all of my clients who are getting in amazing shape in their 30's, 40's, and 50s.

So which choice will you make?

Also, for some added perspective:

We workout about 4-6 times a week for 1 hour.

We make meal prep a weekly habit and keep it simple, or I can connect you with the best meal prep companies available to make it even easier!

And we create new habits that make this a part of your lifestyle that sticks.

So you can maintain the progress you work hard for and finally get out of the yo-yo cycle.

That's a MAX 5-7 hours invested out of the 168 total hours you have in a week.

Can you set aside less than 5% of your week, so you can commit to stepping out of your comfort zone, and have a body that looks like you compete?

After I join, are there going to be any hidden costs or supplements I need to buy?

Nope! I may recommend some supplements such as protein powder or vitamins and minerals that could help support your journey to better health, but it’s never mandatory to purchase any in order to achieve results. I personally look at supplements as a way to supplement the work you do in the program. They are never a crutch or a replacement for putting in the actual work. Your ultimate best health and fitness are always the goal, and as a natural athlete I I do not advocate using supplements and drugs as a way to cut corners to achieve results.

How does the program work?

For you to have an incredible physique transformation, you will need three things: nutrition, workouts, and accountability. If you are missing any of these components I can assure you that the level of results you desire will be compromised.

The good news is that we provide all of that within LLYC. My job is to take out ALL the guesswork when it comes to your workouts and nutrition. Everything will be at your fingertips on my easy to use mobile app.

For workouts - I'll input all your workouts into your calendar in my custom app, which specifies how many sets and reps you have to perform. I also provide video demonstrations for every single exercise so you can ensure you are executing them with proper form and therefore will receive maximum benefit from the time and effort you are investing in the gym. Just open the app, see what needs to be completed for the day, and check it off when finished! You can even keep track of what weight you use for each set, and my app will give you notifications of your progress along the way, such as when you hit PRs!

For nutrition - I'm not one of those coaches who expects you to spend hours creating gourmet meals. Let's face it, as a mom of 4 I certainly don't have time for that! I'm also not one of these coaches who expects you to just eat chicken, brown rice, and broccoli to achieve your results. When you pay a premium price, the guesswork should be taken out for you.

With me, you will receive a DONE FOR YOU, simple, convenient, meal plan, that will help you discover what foods work best for your body. But we don't stop there, we will provide you with a set of personalized macros and deep understanding of macros, so that you don't just achieve amazing results, but sustainable results. You will have NOTHING to think about!

For accountability, you will check in with your assigned coach every single week on my mobile app messenger. You will answer your check in questions and provide progress photos. (Don't worry, these photos are confidential between you, myself, and your designated check-in coach.) The details you provide, along with the photos, will give us the feedback we need to ensure you not only get great results, but never hit a plateau during your journey and stay stuck.

For added support, if you ever have questions or are having a rough week, you can always shoot your coach a message on our mobile app messenger where you are guaranteed a response within 12-24 hours MAX.